Hugh Lessig's debut novel, Fadeaway Joe, released in August 2023 from Crooked Lane Books. Set in Hampton and the surrounding Tidewater area, it tells the story of an aging mob enforcer suffering from early-stage dementia who is abandoned by his longtime boss. Hugh's short fiction has appeared in several anthologies, including Mickey Finn 21st Century Noir (volumes 1, 2, 4 and the upcoming 5); Groovy Gumshoes: Private Eyes in the Psychedelic Sixties; Prohibition Peepers: Private Eyes During the Noble Experiment; the novella, Refried Beans and a Snub-Nosed .44, in the Guns + Tacos series; and the novella, Hunka, Hunka Burning Rubber, part of the Chop Chop series, to be released in January 2024.
Hugh spent 35 years as a newspaper reporter, the last 23 years with The Daily Press in Newport News, where he covered politics, the military, and shipbuilding. He lives at Fort Monroe with his partner, Shana, and their two dogs, Gus and Daisy May.
Visit Hugh's website at
Hugh spent 35 years as a newspaper reporter, the last 23 years with The Daily Press in Newport News, where he covered politics, the military, and shipbuilding. He lives at Fort Monroe with his partner, Shana, and their two dogs, Gus and Daisy May.
Visit Hugh's website at